Sometimes we get questions like, 'Islam encompasses every moment of life. Doesn't that mean it's a very oppressive religion? Is Allah oppressive?'

We love this question; it's a great one. And the answer is quite beautiful.

The fact that Islam guides us in everything from eating to sleeping shows that it's much deeper than just a belief system to be put on a shelf.

Yes, Islam is a way of life, and it's present in every action and intention we have. We even earn rewards for the intentions we make, as our religion emphasizes the importance of intentions.

The idea that 'Allah is watching us all the time' doesn't mean He's waiting to punish us. Allah is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

When we intend to do something good, Allah sees us and writes down a reward. Our actual actions, of course, earn us additional rewards. The beautiful thing is that as Muslims, we believe in destiny. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we may not succeed in what we set out to do. In such moments, we remember that Allah seeks 'good intentions and good actions' from us, not necessarily 'good results'. Even if something doesn't work out, if Allah sees our effort, we gain greater spiritual rewards. In these situations, it's as if Allah is standing behind us like a mountain, and His verses and praying to him comforts us.

We know that Allah sees even the smallest things we do. This isn't oppressive; it's valuing us. He is aware of details about ourselves that we may not even know, and He is All-Knowing.

For this reason, a Muslim never lives a 'small or worthless' life. Even the water we drink becomes a source of reward and healing when we say Bismillah, (In the name of Allah).

We sleep with the intention of doing good deeds the next day, recite the supplications that our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) taught us, and turn sleep into an act of worship.
No matter where a Muslim is, they never live a worthless life. Their water, their breath, even their smile is precious in the eyes of Allah.
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