Center for Cross-cultural Communication in Media
The Center aims to promote its work to a wider audience through the media and various communication channels. To this end, we are taking important steps by establishing strong partnerships with media organizations, TV channels, and newspapers.
Gayrimüslim Turistler ve Yeni Müslümanlar ile Süleymaniye Camii'nde İftar
Ülke TV
Süleymaniye'de gönüllüler turistlere İslam'ı anlatıyor
Söz Milletin
Yolunu kaybedip islam'ı buldu
Ahmet Bulut
Dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen gayrimüslimlere İslam’ı anlatıyorlar
Anadolu Ajansı
News about our Center
What the newspapers wrote about us
You can always reach us, and you can visit our Foundation by making an appointment through our corporate line below.
+90 553 7871846
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